Call for Applications for the Latin America/Africa/Asia/ Scholarly Collaborative Programme, Research Grants 2015.
Feb 11th , 2015.

The Latin American Council of Social Sciences (CLACSO), the Council for the Development of Social Science Research in Africa (CODESRIA) and the International Development Economics Associates (IDEAs) announce the launch of the South-South Scholarships 2015 for research on the theme "Education, public policy and rights: Challenges for the South" aimed at social scientists from Latin America and the Caribbean, Africa and Asia. The goal of this award is to encourage original research on the subject and to promote the final work through presentation at an international seminar. Nine (9) scholarships will be awarded, three (3) for each region.

Research grants aim to promote cooperation between researchers from the South and to stimulate analytical and empirical studies on issues that are relevant to their respective regions and to the Global South. This call is open for candidates from all disciplines of Social and Human Sciences, as well as for researchers from other sciences with projects related to the main theme of this year: Education, public policy and rights: Challenges for the South.

Please note the deadline has been extended to: March 31, 2015.

The aim of this research programme is to explore theoretical perspectives and undertake empirical analyses of the education as right in the context of neoliberalism and beyond. In a scenario of increasing privatisation of education in our continents this call focuses on the importance of educational policies as ways of building citizenship. Education as a right is opposed to neoliberal privatisation of the different levels of knowledge transmission. Although privatisation has been underpinned by the same ideology, it has taken different shape in different contexts. Therefore, the objective of these investigations would be to allow us to understand in comparative terms the ways in which the education system was shaped to challenge the adverse impact that the colonial past of continents and the resulting structure has had on the processes of development that ensued. Taking account of the histories and expectations of the countries and populations of the South the studies would examine issues under the following sub-themes that are common concerns of the three continents:

  • Education as a Right;
  • Inequality and education;
  • Privatisation of education;
  • Education Promotion Policies: Learning from Southern stories.
Research proposals should be fall under at least one of the sub-themes mentioned within the general theme or address related issues (topics). Applicants are expected to formulate projects from a comparative perspective. These projects should not be restricted to one country or region, but they should involve the development of a comparative framework for conceptual and empirical research. Although this is not mandatory, research proposals that adjust to these criteria will receive special consideration during the selection process.


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